An Ode to Diane Keaton, Oprah, and Charlize Theron

and to every woman who, whether married or unmarried, does not let their relationship status define them.
keep your patriarchal bullshit to yourself

I am at last and once again inspired to organize my thoughts about something for which I feel extreme passion: Telling people with opinions about my personal life to fuck off. This is of course after I have a little existential crisis, cry, and obsessively call some close girlfriends to make sure I’m not a huge loser who sucks at life.

Let’s start with a monologue spoken by Frances McDormand in my all-time favorite movie: Something’s Gotta Give. Diane Keaton is a divorced mother of one and is too busy and uptight for love. Her hesitant romantic counterpart (Jack Nicholson) is a sixty-something wealthy Playboy who dumps women when they see 30. Once Jack’s character gets over himself and his fear of baggage (what most would call life experience), they fall in love. Quelle Suprise!

This is really fascinating, what’s going on at this table. Let’s take you and Erica. You’ve been around the block a few times. What are you, around 60? 63. Fantastic! Never married, which as we know, if you were a woman, would be a curse. You’d be an old maid, a spinster. Blah, blah, blah. So instead of pitying you, they write an article about you. Celebrate your never marrying. You’re elusive and ungetable, a real catch.

Then, there’s my gorgeous sister here. Look at her. She is so accomplished. Most successful female playwright since who? Lillian Hellmann? She’s over 50, divorced, and she sits in night after night after night because available guys her age want something—forgive me, they want somebody that looks like Marin. The over-50 dating scene is geared towards men leaving older women out. And as a result, the women become more and more productive and therefore, more and more interesting. Which, in turn, makes them even less desirable because as we all know, men— especially older men— are threatened and afraid of productive, interesting women.

It is just so clear! Single older women as a demographic are about as fucked a group as can ever exist.

It all started with a phone call from an important male figure in my life, who decided today he was going to wake up and let me know that he’s worried about me because I’m 29, not in a serious relationship, and am not making it my life’s mission to be. In this conversation (trigger warning), I was told something that caught me off-guard: “A girl who’s 35 and never married or engaged looks crazy to men… but you still have some time”.

beautiful disgusted woman stock photo

So first off, let’s look at the type of man who is in the dating market (single, hopefully) yet would write off a 35 year old woman who has never married. It’s her baggage, right? She’s probably crazy. If she has a cat, forget it; She’s a lost cause. This is what I assume to be the thought process that has single men with no self-reflection skills asking a woman: “So, why are you single?”. Why are you, bro?

If it’s so unhinged for me to be 29 and in no rush to be married nor race for motherhood, why are some of my all-time favorite successful celebrity women unmarried over 30? Rihanna. Lana Del Rey. OPRAH. DIANE KEATON. CHARLIZE THERON.

Why was Amal Clooney’s husband revered for his longtime bachelordom? Did she obsessively ask George, “So why are you single?” as she shyly sipped from her cocktail over their first dinner date? Did George have to explain how he hasn’t found the right person, he was spending time working on himself, and his career accolades? What does the Venn Diagram look like for the gaggle of bros who believe that women who have never previously married by 35 are crazy, versus the group of stale ass men who are also currently single at 35 who believe that single women with a divorce and/or children by 35 are considered to have too much baggage?

Love a good illustration

My father, who in his own words married until he got it “right” (four times), told me something that all women should be told: You are not defined by what comes out of your womb. I do not have to get married or have children in order to achieve success.

why are you so obsessed with me?

“Slim pickings”

My life is not musical chairs. When you remove the competitive aspect from the game, all you’re fighting over is a chair. The Bachelor, much?

Married men statistically speaking live longer, while a woman’s life expectancy — married or unmarried — does not change. Personally, this fact tells me that we aren’t the ones who need marriage.

You become. It takes a long time.

“What is REAL?” asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. “Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?”

“Real isn’t how you are made,” said the Skin Horse. “It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”

“Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit.

“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. “When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.”

“Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?”

“It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse. “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”

“I suppose you are real?” said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he thought the Skin Horse might be sensitive. But the Skin Horse only smiled.

—Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit

What Kind of White Ally Are You?

this is a white OFFICE
Go get your wallet.

What do Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, GoFundMe, ActBlue, Campaign Zero, and an anonymous spring-loaded tube of confetti dicks have in common?

They are all going to be on my next Capital One statement. Do I get triple points for revenge pranks?

Do you remember five months ago when people kept captioning their Instagram photos with “2020 Vision” to ring in the new year? Yeah, about that.

Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter were among those killed in a helicopter crash. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped away from Buckingham Palace. Trump was voted for impeachment, and then acquitted. Joe Exotic and Carol Baskin became household names. A pandemic swept the globe, with America taking #1 spot for both Most Unprepared and Most COVID Deaths. This prompted stay-at-home orders, which prompted some Americans to show up in groups near Capitol buildings all over America, armed not with face masks, but with AK-47s and bullet-proof vests. Their mission? To fight for the reopening of hair salons and restaurants. You know, the pillars of Americana.

covid guns

We learned about the murder of 25 year old Ahmaud Arbery two months after he was gunned down while jogging. The two civilians who committed the murder were living free without consequence until the country made noise, created petitions, and organized local protests to bring about formal charges. 26 year old Breonna Taylor was shot at least eight times while she was asleep in her bed, by three police officers who had a no-knock arrest warrant for a different individual. There are still no formal charges brought to those officers. We then saw a viral video of a woman weaponizing her whiteness, willing herself into the role of victim while reporting Christian Cooper to the police for requesting she leash her dog, while simultaneously choking it in the process. “I’m calling the cops… I’m going to tell them there’s an African American man threatening my life.”

And then there was George Floyd. The tragic reminder of a similar instance from Eric Garner‘s arrest and dying statement to police in 2014: “I can’t breathe”. This was the last straw. Surveillance footage shows Floyd complying with the officers, only minutes later shown via cell phone video on his stomach in handcuffs with an officer’s knee on his neck. He pleaded for nearly nine minutes with anyone who would listen that he could not breathe while three other officers looked on without making a single attempt to intervene. Or so has been reported, as I cannot watch these videos. And there are so. many. videos. The first autopsy was botched, and the initial police report stated Floyd was resisting officers. The second autopsy came only after public outrage. Why do we need to disrupt peace in order to obtain due justice for black people in America?

george floyd

The Perfect Storm

Poor handling of a global health emergency with a death toll over 100,000 Americans and counting. Nearly 40 million jobs lost. Little-to-no governmental assistance for individuals enduring a one-two punch of health and job crises. A trifecta of injustice and inaction by government officials and law enforcement.

So, people gathered. Petitions were created, marches were organized. There’s just one thing that protests for the unequal treatment and murder of black Americans by police have that protests for the opening of Walmart and Home Depot don’t have: Law enforcement’s inherent fear and racism towards black people.

All 50 US states have seen protests for Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. Nationwide protests have recorded undercover cops damaging buildings and inciting violence. Uniformed cops have been recorded teargassing groups of otherwise peaceful protesters and shooting rubber bullets at point-blank range. People are being permanently maimed and dying from their injuries. Cops are pouring out gallons of bottled water and destroying state-approved medical tents, which is a principle protected under the Medical Neutrality act created during the Geneva Convention. The fact that we even have a need for medical tents from police violence during protests is unfathomable for many countries.

What was that about the tube of spring-loaded confetti dicks?

I’m glad you asked. Doxxing is the Internet-based practice of researching and publicly broadcasting private or identifying information about an individual or organization. A subset of Cancel Culture, if you will, and it’s the modern-day, social media equivalent of Darwinism. You know, survival of the fittest? On the internet, it’s survival of those who don’t display acts of racism and brutality. I was the one who sent you that spring-loaded confetti dick bomb, Aaron Torgalski.

There’s Levels to This

Let’s see where we are in our ranking of Allyship, shall we?

The Proud Trump Supporter in 2020

trump KKK
Simply put: Yikes.

You’re anti-Ally. If the hierarchy of Allyship was a building, you’d be in the basement. It’s bad enough that you supported Trump through 2014, 2015, and voted for him in 2016, but after experiencing his reign for three and a half years, you’re still on his side. You’ve been a party to witnessing countless Trump Administration members quitting/being fired/being sentenced to prison, and denouncing him and his administration afterwards. You’ve seen how his inflammatory comments ignite acts of Islamophobia and racism reminiscent of the Era of Segregation, and yet here you are, continuing to adamantly support him. You definitely won’t be reading this.

The “All Lives Matter” White

BBQ becky
Whenever you see someone with these sunglasses, RUN.

You’re at Level Zero of Allyship. You may have been raised this way and you haven’t surrounded yourself with anyone who thinks differently. You and the prior group overlap just about 100%. All lives matter, right? You’re probably aging rapidly. You say “Bye Felicia” in 2020, unaware of its origin. You call movies with two or more black characters “Black Movies”. You don’t see color, and don’t give a damn if someone is white, black, green or purple. While you don’t necessarily agree with Black Lives Matter because All Lives Matter, you’ve also probably posted Blue Lives Matter somewhere on social media. When you see two black people sitting at a Starbucks, or a black family barbecuing in a public park, or an 8 year old black girl selling bottled water on the sidewalk without a permit, something just does not sit right with you. This is your space. A man asks you to put a leash on your dog in a park where you’re required to have a leash on your dog. Who told him he can talk to me like that?

So you call the cops just to make sure everything is Kosher. It’s your civic duty as a white person to ensure black people are following the laws.

Just a few weeks ago you may have joined your friends in protesting a highly communicable disease. You may have yelled in the faces of a few cops standing in the way of you and that empty state building. You didn’t really have a game plan, anyway. You have the right to go to crowded bars and get your roots touched up, and the Constitution protects that right. While you were busy toting assault weapons, vests, and bullets while standing within inches of a police officer’s face, you were not afraid. You have no reason to be, cops have never bothered you.

Now you see the news and are appalled that there are people breaking glass windows and stealing things from insured businesses. You see cops spraying tear gas and rubber bullets, which is fine by you. They deserve it. Like your own president tweeted: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” They should protest peacefully like Martin Luther King Jr.

If this is you, stop calling 9-1-1 and read these articles about how Police Data Reveals stark racial discrepancies in social distancing enforcement across New York City, and how Minneapolis Police Use Force Against Black People at 7 Times the Rate of Whites. Keep in mind, this is just one city–and it’s 60% white. If you think the New York Times is fake news, maybe read the CDC study about how the Coronavirus current data suggest a disproportionate burden of illness and death among racial and ethnic minority groups.

If all lives truly matter to you, you’d donate to Black Lives Matter. Also, since there is still a pandemic and it’s affecting black people at a disproportionate rate, sign the petitions and consider donating to demand racial data be reported on Coronavirus statistics.

The “Martin Luther King Jr wouldn’t have wanted this” White

When you can’t hear Brandon’s take on “what’s all going on in the world” over cops chokeslamming protestors

Ah, the White Moderate. You’re still at Ground Zero of White Allyship. You applaud and cheer when cops policing protests partake in kneeling propaganda. You squeal with delight and clap your hands as you say, “See? Not all cops are bad!” You’re easily impressed. While you agree that black people should not be beaten and/or murdered by individuals who take an oath to protect and serve, you disagree on the steps taken to implement societal change. Frankly, you can’t be bothered. You understand there’s injustice, however, what are you going to do? You’re just one person, and this is all such an inconvenience to you. When is brunch?

kim people dying
“Kim, there’s people that are dying.”

Your inactivity is silence, and that silence essentially boils you down to being compliant with the All Lives Matter group. The only difference between you and them is that you’re not calling the cops, but you’re not stopping them either.

Want to be better than one step above a lady who calls the cops because black people are having a barbecue? Do you just wish protesters would stop with the infrastructure damage? Watch and listen to Kimberly Jones break it down for you. Also, because we’re all bored of you using the same tired Martin Luther King Jr. quotes, go ahead and read 9 MLK Quotes the Mainstream Media Won’t Cite.

MLK was widely hated among his white contemporaries. Let’s not forget: Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated for organizing peaceful protests and striving for racial equality in America. My wild guess is that if you were his contemporary, his tactics would not have been acceptable enough for you, either.

While you’re out at brunch not wearing a mask as Coronavirus is still alive and well (gross), why don’t you consider splitting a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers via ActBlue. It’s like bottomless Mimosas without the splitting headache.

The “I’m not racist, I have a black friend/child/spouse/partner/grandchild” White

Congratulations! You now have the highest vested personal interest in being an active White Ally

I cannot say it better than this:

oshea tweet
@osheawoodhouse with his expressed permission

You consume, benefit from, and may even profit off of black culture, yet when it’s time to speak up, you’re silent. Or you do the bare minimum. You may even hold harmful racial prejudices. You are part of the  problem, and your work is not done just because you have a black counterpart. Hate to break it to you–you’re still down in the basement, you just have a black friend/child/spouse/partner you’re dragging down with you.

If this hits home for you, why don’t you open up your purse and donate to The Movement for Black Lives.

The Performative White

blackout tuesday
That’s enough activism for today.

Also see: “I went to Africa on a church mission trip and held a black child for a photo”

You posted a black square on Instagram for #BlackoutTuesday. You donated once and posted the screenshot to twitter. If you lived in LA, this would be you. You don’t want to feel left out, so you post a white hand holding a black hand with a caption saying: “There’s only one race. The Human Race” on your Instagram. This makes you feel really good. Now can I post my brunch photos?

This is called Virtue Signaling.

If you find yourself here and want to do better, this is a good starting place. You already look the part! But unless you make some more effort, you are right in with the last few groups. AKA–still in the basement. You still have some way to go, and you can start by learning and understanding why black Americans are nearly three times more likely to die from police than white Americans or why black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women. These reasons are systemic racism. Those people in the “White Lives Matter” and “MLK Wouldn’t Have Wanted This” camp go into the government and medical field professions, and they interact with and treat black people. Your job is to challenge yourself, your family members, and your friends when they say something that sounds an awful lot like racism, whether covert or overt. If you don’t, you are being passive and what does that equal? Compliance.

Since you love social media, why don’t you donate to a cause a lot of people may not have heard of so you can post about it to your followers? You will be teaching people about organizations they may not have heard of, all while looking like you discovered them & care. You little trendsetter, you. 

The White Ally

white ally
Now you’ve entered the building

Plot Twist! There are actually no levels of true Allyship: You’re either in or you’re out. You’re either a true ally in the building, constantly learning and challenging yourself, the system, and the people who surround you, or you’re complicit with the structural system of racism on which America was built.

If you’re an Ally, you’re probably making people uncomfortable and even pissing some people off. Great! The ones who are uncomfortable are content with how everything is right now, because they are–whether knowingly or unknowingly–fine with benefiting from systemic racism in America. These people cannot be true allies unless they acknowledge, address, and understand why and how they were born into a place of privilege, solely because of the color of their skin. The awareness is only half of the problem: You have to desire and take steps to be the change you want to see.

Being a good ally means you aren’t making this about you. You are empathetic to the voices of black people, and you aren’t just hearing–you’re listening. You aren’t getting annoyed or angry when someone says Black Lives Matter. You already know the odds are stacked in your favor. You’re sensitive to how black people must be feeling, because you cannot begin to understand what it’s like to see someone who looks like you murdered by those who took an oath to protect and serve. You have seen people who look just like you be taken peacefully into police custody and tried by a jury for committing mass murder. You were never coached as a child to be respectful to a police officer because the opposite may cost you your life. While you’re practicing empathy, you’re not doing awkward things like sending your black acquaintances check-in texts asking them how they’re doing or sending them money to show you are sorry. Being a good ally means you’re doing your best to educate your friends or family who don’t understand why a little infrastructure damage is nothing compared to lost lives at the hands of systemic racism. It means you’re using your privilege to step in and de-escalate when you see an injustice in real time.

Being a good ally means that you’re emailing and calling congress, you’re signing petitions, you’re sharing ways to help on social media. You’re disrupting news stories that are watering down protest coverage in favor of law enforcement. You’re spamming police precincts and demanding the investigation and firing of officers involved in police brutality. You’re learning what Defunding the Police Actually Means. You are putting your money where your values are, and donating money to organizations you believe in (Like Black Visions Collective). You’re partaking in the protests to join the cause, not to take photos for Instagram. You’re a regular Jane Elliott in the making (Click here if you have an extra 53 minutes).

How can I be a better Ally?

Learn about Jim Crow, Redlining, the Reagan Era, and the origins of police patrol (Hint: police were developed to keep slaves from escaping and rebelling).

systemic racism

Know that there were and still are many facets of American law and society that ensure black people have a harder time surviving socioeconomically and physically in this country. Pay attention when a black person is telling you how they feel. Utilize Google. Learn about microaggressions, and vow to do better if you find yourself using them.

It is not enough to be not a racist, because as a white person you are benefiting from a governmental and societal system of policies in place that have put us light-years ahead of black people. We were born many steps ahead, no matter our socioeconomic upbringing.

You may have a long way to go until you reach John Brown status, but keep your foot on the gas.

Still not sure where to start? How about here: This ADHOC article on A List of Ways You Can Stand In Solidarity with the Black Community is an incredibly helpful resource.

Don’t let a pandemic / civil rights / government reform movement let us forget about June being Pride Month

Marsha P Johnson and the “P” is for “Pay It No Mind”

The life expectancy of a black trans woman living in the US is 35 years old, with murder being the number one cause of death. Donate to the Marsha P Johnson Institute. Learn about 9 Black LGBTQ organizations to support right now.

PS – sign this petition and this one to put an end to Lindsey Graham’s “Earn It” Act which would make all private conversations you and I have available for government surveillance.

Defund the Police,

▽ ap

defund police
Erin Schaff/The New York Times



The Seven Stages of Grief à la Adele

Title photo

So let’s just say you’re newly single.

Hypothetically of course. Let’s also say that, hypothetically, you’re going through the end of a second relationship this year, and it’s not even June (purely for illustrative purposes). So you go through the usual motions: Your friends conduct their daily check-ins, showering is optional, and the dishes are stacking in the sink despite the dishwasher being one foot away. We’ve been better!

This is when we find solace in our coping mechanisms. Maybe it’s something productive like exercise, or cleaning (or showering, if you’re a freak), or maybe it’s frequent facetime calls with friends, the occasional three hour nap, and a glass bottle of wine paired with a new HULU series. My friend’s go-to coping strategy?

Views expressed are her own. My personal favorite is a tried-and-true regimen of crying, cleaning, not eating, annoying my friends, and music; a mix of rap to take my mind off things, and gut-wrenching/nostalgic/heartbreaking music so I can lean into my feelings. Balance is essential.

Enter Adele. This woman has certified HITS. She’s credited for writing most of her songs, has won 15 Grammy Awards, and has even secured a place in the James Bond franchise soundtrack. Adele knows a thing or two about a little drama — specifically at ages 19, 21, and 25. Her music is undeniably relatable, with each song standing the test of time. Although MY Queen of England has not released an album in five years, it’s not like I’m exactly starved for something new. Quality is sustainable and therefore forever relevant, after all. Just refer to my other faves who haven’t put out new albums since 2016: Rihanna (Needed Me and Woo for the Anger Stage) and Frank Ocean (Ivy for the Acceptance Stage). However, Adele is especially relevant as of late as she is slated to release a new album this year and I could not be happier. Hopefully she keeps album release promises better than Rihanna. 

Adele with Dan Bilzerian’s ugly twin her ex husband. The only direction from here is up, girl.

She disappeared for a while, quietly settling down with a seemingly random new husband and baby in their quaint marital castle, as one does, and has since recently shifted back into media focus. Between the recent finalization of her divorce, complete with a hefty settlement to her ex for a hundred million dollars and some change, to dating rumors tying her to UK Rapper Skepta (extremely here for it), and a new look (bad bitch at whatever size) — I personally cannot think of better material to motivate a new album.

Adele and I together at her 32nd Birthday/Divorce Finalization Party

Adele’s music, should I ever find myself with a recent change in relationship status, would then for example be on repeat in this household until further notice. I may then realize that with each passing day, I find my mood shifting into a different section of her discography,  begging the question: “Which phenomenon of psychology could this represent?“.

The Seven (sometimes five, but we have time) Stages of Grief are the series of feelings which accompany a loss, and whether that loss is of a person, pet, relationship, job, new earrings, whatever — it seriously tracks. The following are the levels of emotional responses we might experience should we find ourselves going through a recent heartbreak. While there is a general order of things, teetering back-and-forth between the stages is totally normal and completely A-OK. 

1: Shock | Take It All

“Didn’t I give it all?
Tried my best
Gave you everything I had, everything and no less
Didn’t I do it right?
Did I let you down?
Maybe you got too used to having me ’round”

But wait, there’s more:

“So is it over? Is this really it?
You’re giving up so easily,
I thought you loved me more than this”

K so wait, you’re like, gone? Just like that?

adele sad

2: Denial | He Won’t Go

“I won’t go, I can’t do it on my own
If this ain’t love, then what is?
I’m willing to take the risk”

You’re still seriously done?

3: Anger | Rumour Has It

Bless your soul, you’ve got your head in the clouds
You made a fool out of me
And boy you’re bringing me down
You made my heart melt, yet I’m cold to the core
But rumor has it I’m the one you’re leaving her for”

The best stage, IMO. Pairs well with wine.

Adele pointing at camera

4: Bargaining | I’ll Be Waiting

I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready to love me again
I’ll put my hands up
I’ll be somebody different
I’ll be better to you

The desperation stage hits. You’re reliving every moment in your head, berating yourself about each potential negative trait you displayed during the relationship, promising that if you just had one more chance, you could do better. Was I too needy? Did I make things too easy? Am I ugly? This stage pairs well with friends, reassurance, crying, and more wine. 

5: Depression | I Miss You

I miss you when the lights go out
It illuminates all of my doubts
Pull me in, hold me tight
Don’t let go, baby, give me light”

adele upset in car
I am annoying and unlovable and doomed to be alone for the rest of time

6: Testing | Turning Tables

When the thunder calls for me
Next time I’ll be braver
I’ll be my own savior
Standing on my own two feet

Is that a little light at the end of the tunnel we see? Maybe it was just an incompatible match, after all. 

7: Acceptance | Send My Love

“I’m giving you up
I’ve forgiven it all
You set me free”

“No worries. I’m good luv, Enjoy” – Future

So, if you’re dealing with sadness and heartbreak after a conscious uncoupling, you’re not alone. Surround yourself with friends, your preferred coping mechanisms, and music that makes you feel heard. Remember that, whether you wanted it or not, you now have the space for reflection, self-development, and eventually, a more appropriate fit. Your destiny was never tied to someone who does not want to grow with you. 

Happy Grieving,

▽ ap

adele nails

What’s 722 Days Among Friends?

WordPress texting me to ask if I’m ever coming back

So it’s been 103 weeks + one day since my last (first) post. 

I have jeans older than that! Reading over my first & last blog post from 2018 is quite a cringe fest journey. Drake was hiding a son, crazy stuff. Anyway, if you got to this point that means views + traffic = ego satisfied and I honestly appreciate it! If you don’t have the time to read this: I know you’re lying, we’re in quarantine.

First of all, I am still loudly stabbing away on my trusty MacBook that was born in 2013, which will be replaced on Tuesday for a sexy little Windows Surface number. She’s sleek, she was on sale, and she’s matte black — the color of my future G Wagon. I hate Apple products but will forever be tied to my iPhone, so I’m retaliating in any way possible. No one brand should have all that power.

Bullying for a good cause

I will confess that in the last two years I successfully bullied one of my best friends to switch from a Droid to an iPhone (you’re welcome, Tim Cook!) because green texts when you have cellular service is honestly psychotic and I cannot and will not be a third party to the madness. I also annoyed a friend who may or may not be the same individual into cutting up her bright yellow SPIRIT AIRLINES CREDIT CARD (what the HELL) and hopefully she has cancelled her Pandora subscription (are you a Dentist’s office?) for a more current music streaming service. I’m not being classist and would never judge someone for having these things if that’s their M.O. This girl has a new paid-for BMW that we obnoxiously call “the beater” and therefore can afford things like a smartphone that sends iMessages and to not fly or have a credit card attached to Spirit Airlines. As for the Pandora subscription post 2009, I really cannot justify that as anything other than poor decision making.

If you have read my last post, I am also no longer rocking long acrylic nails. Personally, I still love the aesthetic but have outgrown the maintenance requirements and the look on me, which is sad and boring but that’s twenty-[redacted], baby! I still remember feeling extremely vexed when Gabi and I went to San Francisco to see Lana Del Rey and she was sporting natural nails. My thoughts went as follows: WTF? How could you? This is your persona! You’re my muse! I came to see DRAMA, not some granola girl. This is my personality now! Now I understand that there are more important things than seeing my Cambodian angel Mey every two weeks for three hours, and I have taken that time for more important things, like rewatching Desperate Housewives.

Little did 2018 me know that leaning into my sad girl Sylvia Plath mood would prepare me for forced worldwide social isolation via:


hbo don’t sue me

People are graduating on Zoom. Weddings are being pushed back. Television shows displaying large groups of people congregating without masks and standing closer than six feet apart make me gasp, and I have turned into the Social Distancing Police. While I generally try to avoid large crowds and am a homebody to the core, I find myself milking even the teensiest morsel of small talk and loving every minute of it. Are prawns the same as shrimp? How is your dog?! This weather is amazing! To public service workers: Do you hate when customers don’t wear masks? (Answer is an emphatic yes).

So why did I start back up after roughly 17,328 hours of not blogging? 

I took the week off for a music festival which was canceled (thanks, COVID) and am no longer able to consume any medium of entertainment. Only so many apartment projects, readings, and chores/errands a gal can do before she needs to get all of her thoughts out and work on her blog. I’m not sure how anyone else’s brain works but I literally feel like Carrie Bradshaw up here, and I need to share it with strangers friends online!

hbo, please see above

My friends make me look bad. Two of my best and brightest friends Staissa and Jaylen started a brand/blog called 26 & Broke (Kinda), where they buy beauty and lifestyle products (skin fridges and $60 scrunchies), and are spunky and wild and creative. Another best friend of mine, Gabi, has started two lifestyle instagrams: one for her playboy cat @ladiesloveyoshi (honestly the content level is on 10) and a personal page which documents her retirement which was jumpstarted after some psychopath created a video montage of Gabi’s Snapchat rants about wanting to quit and sent it to her managers and coworkers. It was horrifying at the time, but after about two weeks we approached the “we can laugh about it now” territory. Every single friend of mine is insanely creative and talented and I just want to wear them/be them complement (and compliment!) them.

I really would love to be a best friend’s personal assistant so I want all of my friends to be wildly successful. Hannah, please hire me get you coffees/anything when you’re working for Chanel in Paris or London. Ulterior motives are fine!

Since we have so much downtime and are highly encouraged to not frequent anywhere except grocery stores, I will be organizing my thoughts into little ramblings weekly.

You’ve officially read a blog post about nothing, “which means it’s actually about everything” as told to me by a friend. And that’s good. It’s pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.

Here’s to sticking with it.

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Saving Money? Nobody knows what it means but it’s provocative.

Paying to share my thoughts is the most ‘me’ thing I have ever done.

Twitter is free, but 140 280 characters just doesn’t cut it when you have a lot of thoughts you simply NEED to share with strangers on the internet.

For my first act, I will be loudly stabbing away at my keyboard with my long plastic nails about the thought that made me pay money to make this website:

Why am I sad for no reason?

I’m currently on my porch working on my second Saturday (Memorial Day Weeknd) with no obligations, no laundry, and plenty of snacks. The sun is out, birds are chirping, TESTING x A$AP Rocky is playing on the bluetooth speaker, and I just had the most incredible Ramen delivered to my door. I’m giggling to myself about little snippets of last night’s memories creeping into my mind, see: Hannah and I dancing to Drake’s Greatest Hits, the grown man who introduced himself and proceeded to make me guess (six tries) his age- pretty much showcasing the entire city’s dating scene in a 30 second interaction. I’m casually thumbing through The Bell Jar by the depressive genius queen Sylvia Plath with my fresh manicure and so, as Sheryl Crow once inquired, Why the hell am I so sad? 

NOT ENTIRELY SURE. Past mistakes I refuse to allow myself to forget? The fact I spent $48 on a blog subscription? I’m not living up to my full potential, whatever that is? Instagram and the Social Comparison Theory? Our country is in chaos and Vine [my best internet coping mechanism] no longer exists? I am still longing to find my purpose in the universe? The possibilities = endless!

And of course, my issues go much deeper than the aforementioned, but it is the internet and I’d like to maintain some decorum, after all.

While I’m busy embarking on my third serious existential crisis of the weekend, my brain begs me to remind myself that life is a journey and the experience is a process, so on and so forth. I don’t have any of the answers, only suggestions and the wisdom from experience to know that I will survive the dread. We get so caught up in making sure we are responding to our family and friends, adhering to the daily demands of our day jobs, ensuring our lives look put together on the outside that we sometimes/often/always forget to check in with ourselves to see that we are actually doing OK.

In comparison to many others, I cannot complain. However, this does not minimize my perceived problems, fears, and feelings of inadequacy, nor does my anxiety dissipate knowing that others have it worse. If you take anything from this post, please pay attention to this next line:

Quit telling people it could be worse.

You are trying to help, but it’s bad advice and I have faith that you can come up with better. Be there for your friends, and most importantly, be there for yourself. Take inventory of your mental health and re-evaluate regularly.

Sometimes, it helps to focus on the positives, even if the only ones you can come up with are superficial. Some personal highlights – I’m two weeks sober from my addiction to Target purchases, my nails look bomb, my stomach is flat. Summer is upon us, and two of my favorite rappers (Pusha T, Rocky) released albums this weekend. For the record, I think Push bodied Drake. Bonus: The neighbors across the street are walking their two ferrets on leashes.

This blogging biz is kinda nice, I already feel a bit better. bbl xoxogossipgirl
